September 20, 2008

OK, this is just nuts....Dog collar and dog ID tag

Well I pretty much already have our new dog Remy a collar and his ID tag...but was looking on-line just in case the one I have is too big for Remy. I found this very pretty crystal collar....The website said it was featured at the Oscars.
Guess how much this collar is? ..............................................................................................................$245.oo dollars. Is the world nuts? I also found a diamond ID dog tag for $3,000.00.
I guess for some money does grow on trees.

It looks very pretty bigger and comes in different colors, but there is no way in the world I would ever buy my dog such an expensive collar. I don't even recall what website I found this on.

1 comment:

Janice Lois said...

It's pretty & expensive too. This is the lucky pet to have such a gorgeous collar.